Thursday, May 31, 2012


Hey everyone, most of you already know, but I started a new blog... you can find it here!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Love is still in the air :)

Second Valentine's Days with people are much better than firsts :)

This year me and Derek decided to celebrate Valentine's day a day early because on Tuesdays I don't get out of class until 6 and he has a class 6-9 so we treated the 13th like Valentine's Day. Soooo, can I just say that my fiance is the best! He called me and said that he would pick me up and we would go out to dinner at 6. So, I spent the afternoon getting ready, I looove excuses to get all dressed up to go out and this was the perfect excuse :). Anyywaysss, he picked me up and gave me a present(s). He had bought me some perfume and a necklace and wrote me the nicest card! Then he took me out to Texas Roadhouse which I had been wanting to go to for a while because everyone always talks about it and now I know why. Usually I eat small portions, even with food that I absolutely love but I ate 4 rolls, a side salad, a side of mashed potatoes and almost all of my 12 oz. steak. And the crazy thing is I could have kept going, I felt satisfied but I didn't feel over full like I usually do after eating at a restaurant. It was crazy! I think it's because I hadn't had lunch that day really and I don't know, just somehow I ate a ton haha. Oh I should mention that this restaurant is usually packed with people so Derek had called ahead but when we went in at 6 before he had even told them that we called ahead they seated us. So, we decided that if we are going to go out to dinner for Valentine's Day then we should go the night before because it's so much better haha. But after dinner it was still pretty early so we decided to go and see a movie, The Vow. It was sooo good. I love being able to go to a movie that I know I am going to cry in with a boy who will sit through the movie with me while I cry and even hold my hand after I wipe my eyes/nose with it. He's such a champ! Because this was all the day before Valentine's day, love was still in the air the next day, the 14th. It has just been a love filled week (and past year if you ask me) and I have just been loving it! I just enjoy so much seeing people so happy and doing nice things for each other. I feel like I have been listening to all sorts of lovey dovey songs and they are just so cute!

I love February...... but I'll probably love May more.

Friday, February 3, 2012


So... as much fun as the fun stuff is of wedding planning, the technicalities have been somewhat stressing me out. These technicalities being:

1. selling my contract


2. finding a place for us to live that is a good deal and livable

It is so stressful trying to sell my contract for my spring/summer portion but that's a whole different story. They finding a place to live is stressful because I don't want to wait until the last minute and all posts now are for apartments that are available now and the more married people I talk to the more I hear that they got their apartment a week or two weeks before the wedding! Anyone who knows me well enough knows that waiting that long and having that unsurety would make me crazy.... and sick probably too. Annyyywayss, I was looking on ksl the other day at apartments for rent while Derek was doing practice MCAT problems and having me time him (so I couldn't say anything to him to make him go slower). So, I was just minding my own business looking at apartments for rent, like I do every day multiple times a day to see if there was anything new that was not available now and was inexpensive. I came across one that was a good price, available April 23rd (which is perfect for us because Derek has to live there while I am in Florida before the wedding) and came fully furnished which would be super nice for us since we don't want to have to sell all of our furniture and then rebuy more wherever he goes to med school. It seemed too good to be true (it was small but it looked cute and we don't need big or fancy). Of course I wanted to tell him about it right away but I looked at my phone and Derek still have 8 minutes of time left. I felt like I just couldn't wait to tell him so I tried to busy myself doing other things until his time was up for that set of practice problems. I told him about the apartment and showed him some pictures and we decided that we wanted to go look at it so I went to put in the phone number listed in my phone to call him when I realized that the phone number was only 9 digits and it was missing the last one. Sooooo.... I did what any desperate person would do and started with one as the last number and then started just going through the numbers. Luckily his number ended in 3 so I only had two awkward phone conversations hahaha....

This was on Wednesday.... we set up a time to go and see the apartment today and we both just love it. It would just be perfect for us. The problem is, the guy living there now said that he had like 4 or 5 other people look at it too who really liked it and so he is sending the landlord all of our information and giving us all good recommendations and then the landlord will send us applications and then contact our employers/parents/other references i guess to help decide who he will sign on. Neither me nor Derek have ever not gotten a job that we interviewed for and so I'm hoping this is no different. We both talked about it and decided that if we get it then that is awesome but if not then we will just keep looking and somewhere will pop up. Secretly (and not so secretly anymore), I really want that apartment. But I get attached to things super easily and if we don't get it then I'm sure I'll eventually find a new apartment to obsess over. For now though, keep you fingers crossed and pray for us! Oh and if you get a call about it, then make us sound even more awesome and responsible and clean than we really are! haha

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Engaged?? yeah sure :)

So as most of you already know... I'M ENGAGED! I know it's a little late... it's almost been 2 months.... but it's a new year and so I can start blogging again without too much flack(?) (I'm starting to doubt that's a real word but who cares, it's my blog and I do what I want). Anywayyss I figured I would take this time away from my homework to tell the story of how me and my wonderful fiance met and then the engagement story.... So it all started on August 28th of 2010. It was my second day back in Provo in a new apartment with my favorite girls and we decided to go to our ward opening social before we headed to the dollar theater for a roommate night to watch the second or third twilight movie, i can't remember but anyways, we went to this opening ward social and they had us do this get to know you game where the girls stood in a circle on the outside and the boys stood in a circle on the inside and then you rotated around and got to talk to each person (kinda like speed dating....) Anyways, I get around to where Derek is and being the smooth talker he is he tells me that I have nice eyes and that's all I remember, I'm sure he said other stuff about himself and asked me questions too but that's all I remember. Anyways the next Monday I think they invited us to go and play soccer with them and some other people in the ward so me and my roomie Megan decided we would go. I mention this part because I am terrible at soccer, it is probably my worst sport and Derek, though I didn't know it at the time, is very good at soccer. So this whole experience was just real embarrassing for me and I stayed on defense/goalie the entire time because I knew I would just embarrass myself otherwise haha. Then me and Megan became good friends with Derek and his roommate and were over at their apartment a lot watching movies and they would come over to ours to eat our baked goods. Me and my roommate Megan would stay up at night talking about and analyzing how they felt about us and if we were just friends or if they would ever ask us out on a date (probably like a lot of girls do). Derek did ask me out eventually to go to a BYU girls soccer game (have I mentioned this was probably my first soccer game I had ever been to?). Anyways then we went on a lot of dates and then went on a few breaks (a whole different story) but basically the breaks did us good because after this summer we both came back to BYU (well I came back, he had stayed here over the summer) and everything was just so different in a good way for us :) So that's our general story in a nutshell and here is the engagement story........

So we had been talking marriage for the past year maybe but in the few weeks before we got engaged we started to talk about it a lot and more seriously. We went to look at rings a couple times and we started talking about finances and things like that with each other. We went to Derek's aunt's house in Salt Lake the night before Halloween for dinner and they kept talking about how we were almost engaged so I informed Derek that I wanted it to be a surprise when he asked. Apparently this put a lot of pressure on him because he wanted to do something special but didn't want to give it away as soon as the proposal occasion started. Oops.... Annnyywayyss, I had been talking to my family and sisters and stuff and Chrissy made the comment that I had to dress cute everyday just in case the proposal happened that day (which I had already been trying to do) So, on Friday November 11th I woke and figured I was safe putting on just a t shirt and sweatshirt because I just had two morning classes and then could go home and change and get ready for work and for the rest of the day and because I knew Derek had work until noon and I would definitely be ready for the day by then. So I go to my english class and then to my history class which goes from 10-11 and halfway through my history class we had a little quiz and right when the quiz was over I hear someone say my name from the doorway and it's Derek so I gather my things and leave class to find Derek holding 11 roses for me and saying we are going to go on a picnic to celebrate 11/11/11. At this point I didn't know what was going to happen, in the back of my mind I was thinking engagement but then I didn't know when he would have had time to get the ring and things like that. So we go to this really pretty park that we had gone to last year a few times and we both love and he had brought a whole picnic for us. He kept saying that at 11:11 we were going to stand up and make a wish. So until then we were just eating and chatting about our days so far and I was asking him why he wasn't at work (he had a good response). Then at 11:11 we both stood up and he said that we should close our eyes and make a wish so i did and then when he said to open them he was on one knee proposing to me :). It was one of the happiest moments of my life. And I cried, I never thought I would but it just happened. And thenn we spent the next hour talking to family and telling them. Soooo, we are getting married on May 11, 2012. It was not planned for the 11th because we love the number but just because that is what worked :) I can't wait for everyone to know Derek like I do. He is just the very best. On December 11th he sent me a text at 11:11 saying something like one month ago was the best day. I just remember thinking that I am the luckiest girl to be marrying someone as great as him. I have had these two songs in my head for the past 2 months.... they just makes me happy.